Sacred Space Sanctuary Medicine Bag/Bundle
Medicine Bag / Bundle
We begin opening Sacred Space Sanctuary by putting on the full armor of God. From head to toe, we sage and pray over each piece of Shamanic dress attire and what each piece of clothing, weapon or tool symbolizes to us. We first put on the Helmet of Salvation or Ch’ullo Cap, Breastplate of Righteousness or Shaman’s Cloak, Shield of Faith or Sacred Scarf. We hold our Sword of Truth or Rattles and Drums and we worship SPIRIT in SPIRIT or Native Tongues As SPIRIT Leads…
Then, working from the outside in, we give thanks for the removal of all energies that do not belong in our Sacred Space or the land being used for ceremony.
First, we sage the perimeter of the property, then we come inside, we protect each doorway and window of the home/space. We use tea light candles on the altar in every window and hallway dispelling any darkness from the room. 100’s of them are used in each ceremony and the candles on the altar(s) are kept burning throughout the entire weekend as well as the fire / firepit altar. We pray over the Sacred Native American throw blanket used to create a safe place for our guest(s) to consume the medicine. We sage and pray over all of our stones and altar pieces, charging them.
From within our blessed meditation space, we pray that CHRIST/Jesus/Yeshua, MARY /Mamacita/Holy Mother and our Father of Salvation/Abishua please heal the person(s) who will consume the medicine(s).
We sage ourselves and our guest and pray over him/her in the language of SPIRIT or tongue. We burn incense, sage, and Palo Santo, as well as spray Florida water, while we open our altar with sacred tools, instruments and rattles. Finally, we take time and pray, sage and thank the SPIRIT of the medicine(s) being used in the ceremony.
Honoring our Father, Mother & Holy SPIRIT
The DIVINE Masculine and DIVINE Feminine
The 12 Disciples, Mother Earth and The Ancient Ones we pray:
To the winds of the South
Great Serpent
Wrap your coils of light around us
Teach us to shed the past the way you shed your skin
To walk softly on the Earth
Teach us the Beauty Way
To the winds of the West
Mother Jaguar
Protect our medicine space
Teach us the way of peace, to live impeccably
Show us the way beyond death
To the winds of the North
Hummingbird, Grandmothers and Grandfathers
Ancient Ones
Come and warm your hands by our fires
Whisper to us in the wind
We honor you who have come before us
And those who will come after us, our children’s children
To the winds of the East
Great Eagle, Condor
Come to us from the place of the rising Sun
Keep us under your wing
Teach us to fly wing to wing with the Great SPIRIT
Mother Earth
We have gathered for the honoring of all your children
The Stone People, the Plant People, The four-legged, the two-legged, the creepy crawlers
The finned, the furred and the winged ones
All our relations
Father Sun
Father Sun, Grandmother Moon, to the Star Nations
Great SPIRIT, you who are known by a thousand names
And you who are the unnamable One
Thank you for bringing us together
And allowing us to sing the Song of Life
A’ho. AMEN
During the Sacred Ceremony, as our guests are visiting with SPIRIT, we continue to sage the space as well as use the purifying Florida water as needed. We use a variety of musical instruments and sacred tools to keep our guest(s) in medicine and with SPIRIT as long as needed for them to receive as much healing as possible.
Upon completion of the ritual or sacred healing ceremony, we take time to give thanks, sage the altar, pray, cleanse the medicine space with the rattles, cymbals, Florida water and give a final A’ho AMEN and Goodnight Father Mother Divine Holy SPIRIT. At the end of every ceremony we cleanse our altar from any ashes or debris and cleanse our tools with sage, replacing them on the altar to be cleansed of any energy that they may have taken on and blessed. As the Medicine Facilitators / Shamans, we believe it is vital that we also consume the medicine, a detoxifying medicine like Kambo or Hape helps wonderfully and may assist with the purging process. Purging comes in many forms. Yawning. Crying. Vomiting. Based on past experiences, this is the best way for us to reconnect with ourselves, cleanse within, release harmful energy and release any of the spirits that may have been released during the healing ceremony and have attempted to latch on to us. From minor spiritual battles with bad habits like smoking to emphatically experiencing serious trauma or PTSD, we and participants have also had experiences with possessions, a powerful and deceptive “I see you” occult spirit and spirits with enough force to literally break crystals and protection stones. For all these reasons and more, we understand that it is very important to cleanse the space, the guest and the facilitators before leaving the others or the sacred space. We like to leave our participants with a prayer for protection as they leave to begin on their next journey.