psilocybin ceremony alabama

Called, Chosen, Initiated and Gifted to Serve Plant SPIRIT Teacher Medicines

ayahuasca retreat for couplesWhen I began working in ceremony with sacred plant SPIRIT teachers, I recall mostly telling others… “There were so many words but no words at all!” When others ask me “What will I experience? What will I see? What will I feel? Etc, etc, etc” It’s really a hard question to answer because every journey is different, no two for anyone is quite the same. And really there’s no words to accurately describe SPIRIT! I tend to say you’ll receive exactly what you need in this moment and nothing more than what you can handle, just surrender and trust in SPIRIT! My last ceremony personally, I came out saying it was the most intensely amazing journey ever! The first sacrament that I made a divine connection with was the Bufo Alvarius Toad. I laughed, I cried, I felt at ONE with SPIRIT for the very first time in my life. I was shown what “church” is really all about… and it’s definitely not what they are trying to keep everyone forced into. The Shaman that served me prayed the most magical words given only by SPIRIT into my heart that seemed to have begun a divine purification within me. Words can’t even begin to do it justice. Then I began a divine journey with Mama Ayahuasca. She’s amazing! A beautiful healing spirit. She, however, is Mama and she gives you tough love. She brings up those shadows that we tend to hide or run from. She provides some of the most profound healing though! Healing isn’t always easy, it’s not always rainbows and unicorns. It’s hard work and requires us to dive deeper under the surface. She helps us go deeper than we would’ve ever had gone on our own.

psilocybin bufo kambo ceremonies in alabama

I slowly began gravitating towards working with Psilocybin Mushrooms  “Magic Mushrooms” and as with Mama Aya, I have developed a very special relationship with them. I personally view them as “The Disciples, The Ancients, Ancestors, Wise Ones”, for they bring about some of the most amazing teachings. They are also the ones I sat in ceremony with and had my Magdalene Priestess initiation through by merging with Mary Magdalene and then I began my spiritual walk with her as her.If you’re ready to initiate your own divine healing journey, whether it’s starting out with Shamanic Reiki healing sessions, Kambo Cleanses, micro-dosing guidance, or diving in headfirst to a full rebirthing experience don’t let ANYTHING stop you from reaching out and connecting! I’m here to guide others through their rebirthing journey. I’m here to guide others along their ascension path. I am Mama, I am Goddess, I am the Divine Feminine! I’m here to Awaken the World! I’m here to birth a new paradigm through Forgiveness, Compassion, and Love.

I have been called

I have been chosen

I have been initiated

I have been gifted a Divine Mission

I answered the call and gratefully accepted the mission.


ayahuasca ceremonies in alabama


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